Monday, January 17, 2011


Devon turned 10 this year... I consider her a "tweenager", Dawn disagrees, and so does Devon, she thinks she's an adult.

Devon recently read a book called Smile,
which was the inspiration for her birthday cake.

My traditional "brownie cake" with a little extra embellishment
to help me remember how old I am... thanks Dawn

To celebrate my "milestone" birthday, I took the day off to volunteer for the Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) program at Hillside.  A program that gets male role models into schools.  Overall, a fun, satisfying day - boy was I tired at the end of the day.

Is that one handsome uniform or what?
Nothing like standing on a stage while 400 elementary students sing
 Happy Birthday to you!  What a way to start the day.


  1. UUGGH, I can't believe Devon is 10 already! What a beautiful young lady! I hope Devon and Drew had a fabulous birthday!!!

  2. I sang too and everyone was really loud!


  3. Love the birthday pics!! Devon's cake was SO CUTE!!! Drew, you had a very busy birthday! At 40 I bet you were TIRED (LOL)!!
