Friday, February 25, 2011

Two Weeks of Winter - Part I

Lucky us, we got another year of an actual winter... even if it did only last just two weeks.

Way too many great photos when you click the link below

That's right... a whoppin' 4 inches of snow 
The kids kept the backyard pristine,
until I got home from work
So what's the first thing you gotta do in fresh
fallen snow?  Angels!

Super dry snow... bad for snowballs... great for pictures
They had been waiting all day to pelt me with snow

Not even Cup could escape the fight 

Dawn had already participated in a snowball fight, so she stayed on the side and took photos


  1. LOVE THE SNOW ANGELS!!! Are you sure you weren't in Ohio???

  2. Crazy enough, this snow had nothing on last year when we got 8" over a couple of days.
